Smart City Services

As the movement towards clean, sustainable energy progresses, ClearWorld believes in educating and transparency when it comes to selling their product.

This article, titled “Smart Cities: Power to the People” highlights the importance of these same traits:

Open data access is a key part of Bristol’s smart city project. Allowing residents, researchers and developers to analyze and share information in order to develop new solutions to the city’s problems.

Having an OpenFlow-based, SDN-controlled infrastructure will also help innovators “learn how to program and deliver new smart city experiences,” says Simeonidou, who is also chief technology officer for Bristol Is Open and an ONF Research Associate.

We at ClearWorld applaud the commitment to using renewable and sustainable energy sources to power cities. We look forward to seeing the benefits of this movement over the years.

And we hope that other cities and states invest in solar energy as well.

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