nokia smart city connect

ClearWorld is proud to be a part of an ecosystem of partners that are driving change. Here is some footage of the Smart Cities Connect event and comments from our partner, Nokia, on the future of our cities and driving digitalization.

‘Smart cities offer the promise of greener, prosperous, more livable communities for all of their citizens.

Many cities, which are in the midst of their smart city transformation, are realizing that to capture the full benefits of their initiatives, a new and more cohesive approach is needed.

Robust, proven technologies like 5G, Industrial IoT, and machine learning allow for the creation of intelligent and integrated city platforms that can provide a foundation for true city innovation.

With the Nokia Bell Labs Future X architecture for Smart cities, communities can benefit from a high-performance network foundation and robust city-grade platforms to bring together the intelligence within their smart city applications and services to fuel the continued economic and social growth of their city.

Our solutions help you create greener, more innovative, thriving communities that benefit all of the citizens, visitors, and enterprises who call your city “home.”’