Solar Set to Produce Jobs

Renewable energy and solar LED efforts are producing a vast amount of jobs for the energy efficiency industry. Across the globe, solar PV has the highest employment in the renewable energy sector, with roughly 2.5 million jobs. Liquid biofuels trail closely behind with 1.8 million jobs, followed by wind power at approximately one million jobs.

Energy efficient jobs are particularly difficult to measure on a global stage. However,  in a recent report, SustainLabour estimated 25,900 jobs are created for every one billion euros ($1,135 billion). It’s invested in energy-efficient buildings and that there were 232,050 jobs currently in the European Union insulation industry.

On a smaller scale- in low-income communities, specifically, energy efficiency and renewable energy are increasing job creation drastically, as well as providing cost savings, improved air quality and healthier homes.

Furthermore, many utilities are attempting to incorporate renewable energy more into the marketplace. The cost of solar panels will continue to be a huge cost-savings component, with more technologically advanced infrastructures to make it more affordable and attainable for communities. Education for renewable energy is the key to implementing sustainable initiatives for utilities, co-ops, and communities.

We at ClearWorld are excited to see where the world of renewable energy takes the United States in terms of jobs offered and commerce increase. And interested in trends as they are related to solar energy. Also, we truly believe that it is important to remain relevant and informative no matter the economic environment.