Westfield and ClearWorld Join in Partnership

ClearWorld, L.L.C., a leading provider of Solar + Battery Powered Street Lights. They recently expanded its reach from New Orleans, Louisiana to Westfield, Indiana. The City of Westfield and ClearWorld have partnered together. They install three of ClearWorld’s unique RetroFlex® Units as part of its pilot program. We would like to invite everyone to be a part of this groundbreaking occasion:


Location: 2706 E. 171st Street (City Hall). The installation will take place at a nearby parking lot. Westfield, IN 46074

Date/Time: Tuesday, February 2, 2016, at 9:00 AM

Contact: Jeremy Lollar, Director of Public Works Department, (317) 804-4783, jlollar@westfield.in.gov

ClearWorld Representatives in Attendance:

  • Dominick Rera, Vice President of Global Sales
  • Randy Bonneval, Installation/QC
ClearWorld Representatives Not in Attendance:
  • Alex Gomez, International Development (337) 739-5063


Furthermore, the selection of ClearWorld’s unique patented system allows the solar lighting system to be retrofitted. For it to fit virtually any existing light pole, no matter the shape, diameter, or material/finish. This saves replacement costs for existing infrastructure when a pole and electrical trenching is not necessary. The lights are not affected by flooding, can withstand up to 150 MPH wind, extreme temperatures and can last up to 3 to 3 ½ weeks with clouds and rain every day, and up to 8 days in no sun.


In addition, with ClearWorld lights, the city will have safer, brighter, well-lit areas. Also, these RetroFlex lights have a built-in wireless monitoring system to expedite the maintenance process. And advise city officials of performance through a web-based management software portal. The software allows users to remotely monitor and manage lights to include the operating schedule and on/off powering, dimming, power metering for each light, performance monitoring to include notifications using email and text messaging, as well as a Google Maps interface to pinpoint a location.

Not only will ClearWorld’s lights bring safety and a reliable light source through severe weather conditions. But they will also prove to accumulate a vast amount of savings. The energy efficiency of the lights, as well as the new monitoring system for maintenance of the lights themselves, made the choice to transition to solar LED an easy one.


ClearWorld solutions include a variety of Smart City applications, such as Wi-Fi, LTE, RF-Mesh, Video Cameras, Traffic, Parking and more.


“Westfield is joining the clean energy revolution through its partnership with ClearWorld, who is very proud to be part of this venture” said Larry Tittle, President of ClearWorld. “The more the City of Westfield explores, the more they will see that some of the solutions that we are providing will help them achieve their goals of becoming independent from traditional forms of energy.”