Solar Energy Can Solve Alternative Energy Solutions
While countries have dragged their feet for years on meaningful climate action, many cities around the world have forged ahead with sustainability efforts. In July, about 60 mayors pledged to fight climate change at a two-day conference hosted by Pope Francis.
AECOM report shows 35% of 162 cities report that already more than 75% of their electricity if from non-fossil fuel sources.

Several cities have even made impressive strides to ditch fossil fuels in favor of renewables.

Two recent reports have confirmed that 100 percent renewable energy is possible.

Earlier this summer, professors out of Stanford and U.C. Berkeley laid out a plan for the U.S. It is to convert to 100 percent renewable energy in less than 40 years.

And Monday Greenpeace published its Energy Revolution 2015 report. In which proposes a pathway to a 100 percent sustainable energy supply by 2050.

report issued last week by CDP, a U.K.-based nonprofit, and AECOM shows that,

96 cities-one third of cities participating in CDP-are already taking action to decarbonize their electricity supply. And 86 percent of these cities say taking action on climate change presents an economic opportunity.

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